Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bioinorganic Chemistry

Bioinorganic Chemistry
Bertini, Ivano and Gray, Harry B. , PDF Format
Graduate course for chemistry students

This book covers material that could be included in a one-quarter or one-semester course in bioinorganic chemistry for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students in chemistry or biochemistry. We believe that such a course should provide students with the background required to follow the research literature in the field. The topics were chosen to represent those areas of bioinorganic chemistry that are mature enough for textbook presentation. Although each chapter presents material at a more advanced level than that of bioinorganic textbooks published previously, the chapters are not specialized review articles. What we have attempted to do in each chapter is to teach the underlying principles of bioinorganic chemistry as well as outlining the state of knowledge in selected areas. We have chosen not to include abbreviated summaries of the inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, and spectroscopy that students may need as background in order to master the material presented. We instead assume that the instructor using this book will assign reading from relevant sources that is appropriate to the background of the students taking the course. For the convenience of the instructors, students, and other readers of this book, we have included an appendix that lists references to reviews of the research literature that we have found to be particularly useful in our courses on bioinorganic chemistry.

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Dr.Geoffrey A. Blake ,PDF Format
Graduate course for chemistry students

Time-independent perturbation theory, time-dependent perturbation theory; Spectroscopic lineshapes, overview of molecular eigenstates & molecular rotational spectra; Rotation of asymmetric tops, Diatomic rovibrational spectroscopy; Group theory in polyatomic rovibrational and Raman spectroscopy; Local mode theory/vibrations of functional groups, Vibrational spectroscopy of solids; lectronic spectroscopy and Franck-Condon factors, Photochemistry, Electronic spectroscopy of polyatomic; Non-radiative processes in polyatomics, Photoelectron spectroscopy, begin NMR; Conclude NMR (including FT-NMR and MRI), ESR (EPR); Statistical Thermodynamics - Boltzmann Law, Molecular/Ensemble Partition Functions and Thermodynamics; Statistical Thermodynamics/Thermodynamic Properties of Ideal Gases & Crystalline Solids.

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Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy

Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy
M. Kuno,University of Notre Dame , PDF Format
Undergraduate course for chemistry students

Good course cover basic graduate level , more than 20 topics in this book
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Thermodyanmics, kinetics, and statistical mechanics

Thermodyanmics, kinetics, and statistical mechanics
M. Kuno,University of Notre Dame , PDF Format
Undergraduate course for chemistry students

All undergraduate level topics in physical chemistry 

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Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
M. Kuno,University of Notre Dame , PDF Format
Graduate course for chemistry students

Introduction, Structure, Length scale, Exciton, Quantum mechanics review, Confinement, Non degenerate perturbation theory, Density of state, More density of states, Even more density of states, Joint density of state, Absorption, Interband transition, Emission, Bands.

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Molecular spectroscopy

Molecular spectroscopy
M. Kuno,University of Notre Dame , PDF Format
Graduate course for chemistry students

Links -

Vectors, Vector calculus and electrostatistic, Maxwell equation and waves, Calassic light interactions, Electrical properties, Optical constants, Kramers Kronig Relations, Lorentz model, Drude Lorentz model.

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Spectroscopy of Conjugated Polymers

Spectroscopy of Conjugated Polymers
Graduate course for chemistry students

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Environmental Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry
Dr.Richard Foust, html format

"Environmental Chemistry (CHM 440/ENV 430) offers a rigorous introduction to the chemical principles that govern the reactions, transport, effects and fates of chemical species in water, soil, air and living environments. We will pay special consideration to the effects of technology and man's activities on the chemical composition and properties of the natural environment, and discuss policy issues as they relate to chemical processes"[1].

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Chemical Kinetics online Courses

Applied Chemical Kinetics
Dr.Mark T. Swihart, PDF format

Link -

'This course will provide an overview of applied chemical kinetics and reaction engineering at an intermediate to advanced level. Coverage will be relatively broad and shallow. The goal is to provide students with the vocabulary, modeling tools, and theoretical background to understand current chemical kinetics and reaction engineering literature and to tackle the sort of complex problems that they will encounter in their dissertation research and beyond'[1].

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world of chemistry for all

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