Saturday, December 20, 2008

Software for NMR Concepts

Software for NMR Concepts

Link -

"This is an outline of a lecture given for NSF Faculty Enhancement Workshops at the University of Rhode Island and for NMR Concepts.A series of exercises designed to show features of each program is available. Topics are selected from the outline below for a particular audience. Additional information about this software is available from this site.

  1. Where to get this file and more information:

  2. System Requirements: Most of the software discussed here will run on a 486 25 SX, but a 486 33 DX with 8 MB RAM is recommended as a minimal system. Because I use a PC, this listing does not include Macintosh applications. Some of the commercial applications are available for the Macintosh. Windows 95 versions are also available for some of the commercial applications."[1]

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Chemistry of Biomolecules

Crystal structure of shikimate kinase. (Image courtesy of the
  RCSB PDB. PDB ID: 1VIA. Badger, J., et al. "Structural 
analysis of a set of proteins resulting from a bacterial 
genomics project." Proteins 60 (2005): 787-796.)
Chemistry of Biomolecules
Prof. Sarah O'Connor (MIT), PDF Format
Graduate course for chemistry students

Link -

Course Highlights
Natural product biosynthesis, Polyketide biosynthesis, Saccharide biosynthesis, Shikimate pathway, Shikimate pathway flavonoids, Alkaloid biosynthesis, Tyrosine derivatives, Terpene biosynthesis.

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Organometallic Chemistry

Organometallic Chemistry
Prof. Gregory Fu (MIT), PDF Format
Graduate course for chemistry students

Link -

"Course Description
This course examines important transformations of organotransition-metal species with an emphasis on basic mechanisms, structure-reactivity relationships, and applications in organic synthesis"[1].
Introduction, Structure and Bonding, Reactivity, Applications in Organic Chemistry

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Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry

Molecular model of the amino acid tyrosine with experimental electron density in front
 of an X-ray diffractometer at MIT. The tyrosine is part of the crystal structure
 of phosphoglycerate mutase from M. tuberculosis. See P. Mueller et al. (2005). Acta Cryst. D61, 309-315. 

Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry
Dr. Peter Mueller(MIT), PDF format
Graduate course for chemistry students

Link -

"Course Description
This course covers the following topics: X-ray diffraction: symmetry, space groups, geometry of diffraction, structure factors, phase problem, direct methods, Patterson methods, electron density maps, structure refinement, how to grow good crystals, powder methods, limits of X-ray diffraction methods, and structure data bases"[1].

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Crystal Structure Refinement

The platform geometry. (Image by Dr. Peter Mueller.)

Crystal Structure Refinement
Dr. Peter Mueller (MIT), PDF Format
Graduate course for chemistry students

Link -

"Course Description
From crystal to diffraction pattern, The SHELX package, Hydrogen atom, Disorder, Twinning, Artefacts
This course in crystal structure refinement examines the practical aspects of crystal structure determination from data collection strategies to data reduction and basic and advanced refinement problems of organic and inorganic molecules"[1].

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Principles of Inorganic Chemistry

Illustration of phosphinocarbene. (Figure by Prof. Christopher Cummins.)
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry
Prof. Christopher Cummins ( MIT) , PDF Format
Graduate course for chemistry students

Link -

Introduction, Aluminum Chemistry, Aluminum II, Phosphorus, Gallium and Indium, Gallium Multiple bonds, Gallium, Phosphorus and Tin, Nitrogen , Halogen , Noble Gases, Fluorine , Krypton , Relative Effects, Gold, Xenon

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